climber | guide | educator
Pricing and availability varies from trip to trip, based on length of outing, climbing objective, and number of people. I work with guide services in various areas of the country, so prices may vary from listed below. Contact me so we can discuss what you are interested in and I can create a custom package catered to your needs. Gratuity for a job well done is appreciated in addition to the prices listed below.
Phone Consult
Looking to seek mentorship, ask questions about climbing skills, or chat through beta for an upcoming climb or climbing trip? Looking for advice for an upcoming AMGA program?
Private consults available.
6-8 Hours
Prices vary based on group size.
$525 for a one person outing
$335 per person for groups of two
$275 for 3+
This includes a typical day of single pitch, multi-pitch, or skills development.
8+ Hours
For longer multi-pitch rock or alpine climbs, rates are on a sliding scale from $665 - $845 for one person. Climbing the Diamond starts at $1,000 and varies depending on strategy.